Have you been suffering, longing, praying, or even crying out in the night for God to be closer to answer your heart’s yearnings and show you what is missing? If you can’t truly find God or can’t deeply connect to God as deeply as you long to, then this is one of the only books that will bring you the very secret your heart has longed for but could not find.
After Heather’s loving husband Allen died in 2021, he began giving her help and guidance from the other side (heaven). Seers have told Heather that she was destined to write a very special book with Allen’s help that would change the lives of individuals of all walks of life. The first several people who read it said they couldn’t put it down and read the entire book in one sitting because it was so profound, advanced, and had moving out-of-body experiences in the heaven of God Realization. From Heaven, Allen told Heather to write this book and said, “It will be the answer to many people’s prayers.”
The Secret Ways that Bring Us Closer to God has ancient secrets and meditation-like exercises that will teach you how to have your own out-of-body experiences to many heavens, many mansions, and the inaccessible heavens we call the “home of God.” For those who have an open mind, it can teach you secrets that can bring you closer to God.

The Secret Ways that Bring Us Closer to God is available on Amazon.com. Happy reading!
In this book is contained some of the great keys to unlocking the very mysteries of God via Out of Body Projection also known as Soul Projection using the ancient methods of the VARDAN Masters, a group of Spiritual Adepts who have always been with mankind since the very beginning of time, ready to show those who love God how to return to the Pure Positive God Worlds or many levels of Heaven beyond Matter, Energy, Space and Time!!
Rebazar Tarzs, who is a Tibetan Lama and VARDAN Master is reported to be over 550 years old in the same physical body although he appears in his thirties! These Masters are masters of what is sometimes known as Bi-location or Soul Projection where one projects placing their awareness upon a particular plane of existence and is there in the blink of an eye! In this book are some of the most vivid and detailed descriptions of some of these God Worlds or levels of Heaven. Although impossible to describe many of them accurately, every effort has been attempted to not only do such but to explain the methods used to obtain one’s own experiences of them!
There is no need to wait until the death of the physical human body to experience the exalted worlds of Heaven. God or what is known in VARDANKAR as the HURAY exists in the here and now and man can bring his consciousness via the VARDAN Audible Life Stream into these lofty heights using the Secret Teachings of VARDANKAR!
Allen Feldman the Author, is the chief proponent of VARDANKAR the Ancient Science of Total Awareness also known as Soul Projection. In this book he speaks with the great VARDAN Master Yaubl Sacabi among others and Soul Travels or Soul Projects, into various planes and worlds. There is much dialogue as well as vivid experiences described as best as possible about the Far Country or other worlds beyond this one! Those worlds are also known as Heavens or Heaven. There are many, including the countless worlds above Matter, Energy, Time and Space far above the Astral Plane, Causal Plane and Mental Plane found in the world of Sat Nam and beyond this.
The Amazing Yaubl Sacabi among other Ancient VARDAN Masters have physical bodies and Yaubl himself lives in a spiritual city high in the Himalayan mountains of Northern Tibet where he is the guardian of a Golden Wisdom Temple known as Gare Hira in the city of Agam Des where only those who are truly ready are invited to hear his Golden Words of Wisdom about how man in his true and eternal self Soul, can gain Self Realization, God Realization, Total Awareness and VARDAN Mastership in a single lifetime!
Souls also study the Shariyat-Ki-HURAY also known as the Way of the Eternal. There is a volume in each of these Golden Wisdom Temples! The Spiritual Worlds are truly the last frontier where Souls finally graduate from Reincarnation and find Truth. Not theoretically but the experience of God and the establishment of Soul in the Pure Positive God Worlds of Total Awareness within a single lifetime and before the death of the physical body!
Allen Feldman the Author, is the chief proponent of VARDANKAR the Ancient Science of Total Awareness also known as Soul Projection. In this book he speaks with the great VARDAN Master Rami Nuri among others and Soul Travels or Soul Projects, into various planes and worlds. There is much dialogue as well as vivid experiences described as best as possible about the Far Country or other worlds beyond this one! Those worlds are also known as Heavens or Heaven.
There are many, including the countless worlds above Matter, Energy, Time and Space far above the Astral Plane, Causal Plane and Mental Plane found in the world of Sat Nam and beyond this. The Amazing Rami Nuri lives in the city of Retz on Venus in the super-physical where he is the guardian of the Golden Wisdom Temple known as the House of Moksha, also known as the House of Imperishable Wisdom. Only those who are truly ready are invited to hear his Golden Words of Wisdom about how man in his true and eternal self Soul, can gain Self Realization, God Realization, Total Awareness and VARDAN Mastership in a single lifetime!
Souls also study the Shariyat-Ki-HURAY also known as the Way of the Eternal. There is a volume in each of these Golden Wisdom Temples! The Spiritual Worlds are truly the last frontier where Souls finally graduate from Reincarnation and find Truth. Not theoretically but the experience of God Realization and the establishment of Soul in the Pure Positive God Worlds of Total Awareness within a single lifetime and before the death of the physical body!
This amazing book will show you how, with the help of certain Spiritual Travelers you can leave your physical body and venture into various worlds of Heaven and even reach true Self and God Realization like some Saints and Mystics have done for thousands of years! Here three Ancient VARDAN (Spirit) Masters: Rebazar Tarzs, Yaubl Sacabi and Kata Daki give us their timeless wisdom and message of hope for mankind in the form of the advanced methods of Out-of-Body Tuza Soul Projection that goes beyond so-called Astral Projection, Prayer, Meditation, the reading of books, Reincarnation and the endless practice of religious rituals, into the very experience of the various levels of Heaven culminating in the experience of Total Awareness also known as God Realization!
Nothing can stop those who are Bold, Adventurous, Cunning and Resourceful and desire truth above all else! It is only the individual who in the end can hold himself or herself back from God. The Author, Allen Feldman has been practicing Out-of-Body Tuza Soul Projection for over thirty-three years and is a VARDAN Master himself. Most of the book contains dialogue from the Ancient VARDAN Masters as given to the Author in the course of three weeks. In this amazing book we learn the difference between the lower worlds that are mixtures of Matter, Energy, Time and Space and the Higher Worlds of pure Divine Spirit (VARDAN). The Ancient VARDAN Masters, explain the vast heavenly worlds from the Astral Plane and its various sub-planes moving upwards through the Causal Plane, (area of Memory), Mental Plane ( area of Mind) and Etheric Plane (area of Unconscious) describing each one and how to reach it.
These Ancient Masters who still maintain their physical bodies, some for thousands of years, then cover how to cross the Great Void into the Atma Lok or Soul Plane, the first of the true Pure Positive God Worlds where one reaches true Self-Realization and Spiritual Liberation! From there we learn what exists above even this and finally discuss the very Ocean of Love and Mercy where dwells God or what is known as the HURAY ITSELF! There is little or nothing that really can be said about the HURAY (God) other then that IT must be experienced through the act of Out-of-Body Projection also known as Tuza Soul Projection! The Masters give instructions and guidance pointing out the pitfalls and methods that can be practiced in as little as forty minutes per day. We learn that Metaphysics, Religion, the Occult, Meditation, Science, Philosophy, the so-called New Age Movement and the like, have it all wrong!
They are worshiping some form of the negative power which is also known as the Universal Mind Power, the Brahm, Kal, Jehovah, Lord God. It has countless names but it is a dichotomy or mixture that contains opposites of Good and Evil, Light and Dark, Mountains and Valleys, Love and Hate. It is not pure Spirit but a mixture of Spirit, Matter and Mind. In order to know truth, Soul must go beyond its mental body, in fact Soul must go beyond all of its five lower embodiments in order to find truth! We find we are Soul and know through direct perception, SEEING, KNOWING and BEING and are destined to become conscious co-workers with God.
In this book we learn how to link up to the Audible Life Stream or VARDAN that, with the help of the true Spiritual Travelers, bring us consciously into the various levels of heaven culminating in true God Realization so that we too may eventually become a true Spiritual Traveler ourselves! It does not demand physical, emotional or mental perfection but only a great desire for Truth as a drowning man desires air! Truth is experienced and not just thought about, emotionalized about, philosophized about or theorized about. This book will set one on the very path of Experiencing truth at a level most dare not go! The very heart of our eternal self and of God ITSELF!
Dialogues with the Masters
“A wonderful book that will fill the heart of any sincere and true seeker, and point the way to the hidden spiritual worlds.”
– Damien G., France
“I have never read anything like it in any spiritual teachings, but at the same time very deep inside it feels like I have always known it. It’s the way home, the door to most Sacred of all.”
– Vladimir E., Netherlands
“Spiritual truth that is Soul stirring! The most direct path back to God explained so I can comprehend it! I will read again and again…”
– Daniel Walton, Washougal, Washington
“Absolutely AMAZING book.. Such inspiration and wisdom all packed into one book. Get ready, get set to catch a wave on the Audible Life Stream back to God.”
– Jovana Smith, California
“This book is helping me to avoid all the pitfalls that make life miserable. What it can do for me it can do for you. It reveals the pathway to total mastery in your life.”
– John W. Herbert, Parrish, Florida
Thousands of Visits to Heaven and the Heart of God
“I now know, in the depths of my being, that true spiritual freedom is possible in this lifetime because of the teachings brought to life in this book. Do your Soul the biggest favor imaginable and read THIS book. ”
-C.G.B. Wilmington, NC.
“Stirs my Self-Soul with Vistas beyond what I previously could imagine…Thank you for this true road map back to Divine Source!!”
-D.J., Pacific NW, USA
“I have listened to the audio chapters over and over…I loved them! The book is beautifully written and conveyed in a way that is incredibly fantastic, surreal and yet real. Whilst reading the words there was only one thing on my mind: I’m soooooo happy I have found the true path!”
-Shaney, New Zealand
“This book is filled with possibilities to experience the happiness and love I think we all dream of as Souls. Sometimes the Author’s experiences are so vivid and colorfully described, it felt like jumping right into a profoundly moving story and participating. I feel blessed, having been guided both to this book and its Authors.
-Randi A.F. Hult, France
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About The Authors

Heather Giamboi

Allen Feldman
Allen Feldman and Heather Giamboi are Authors and Speakers on the subject of Out-of-Body Travel and near death like experiences of Heaven. They teach people how to reestablish a personal contact with Heaven and with God. They claim you do not have to physically die in order to visit the various Heavens but can do so through Out-of-Body Tuza Soul Projection if guided and instructed properly. Allen and Heather are officially recognized Spiritual Travelers in the teachings of VARDANKAR the Ancient science of Soul movement. They instruct individuals step by step in how to journey to higher and higher levels of heaven and consciousness and to become conscious coworkers with God.
Allen is the author of an Out-of-Body study program that takes his students far beyond so-called Astral Travel, Prayer or Medication and teaches them how to leave there physical bodies and reach the various planes or worlds spoken of in this book.
Perhaps what sets Heather and Allen apart most is that they emphasize the vast differences between the Pure Positive God Worlds beyond Duality, Matter, Energy, Time and Space and what is known as the lower worlds that are often confused as the true God Heavens. They teach methods only known to a few, on how to leave ones physical body and safely move out of the body into the Ecstatic States of consciousness and reach true Self and then God Realization. They teach a series of Spiritual Exercises and methods that are vastly different from prayer and mediation. Finally, not only do they work on the outer through the writing of books, discourses and giving talks but they work with their students on the Inner during dreams and contemplation. More information can be found at www.VARDANKAR.com